Kansas City Wildlands Prairie and Glade Plant List


The easiest time to spot plants is when they are in bloom. It is wise to mark them if you plan to collect seed later. Colored yarn or plastic marking tape works well as a marker. Generally seed is ready to collect 6-8 weeks after bloom, but the time varies with each species. It pays to keep a log of the plants you have marked so you will know when to look for seed. Store collected seed in a paper bag in a cool but dry location. Mark the storage bag with Species name, date collected, place collected and your name. Leave some seed for Future generations. Wildlands seed should be delivered to the Discovery Center attention "Wendy". The below listed research links have more pictures of plants and more information

Research links: Illinois Plants Ks Plants Dyck Aboretum Prairie Seeds & Seedlings project EIU

(Click for alphabetical list or for color list)

Some existing plants in order of bloom and their priority for collecting seed.

  • 1. Lomatium foeniculaceum (Hairy Parsley)- flower and seed Priority -Medium +
  • 2. Verbena canadensis (Rose Verbena) -flower -seed Priority -Medium+
  • 3. Erythronium mesochoreum (Prairie Trout Lily) -flower -seed Priority -Medium+
  • 4. Nothoscordum bivalve (False Garlic) -flower and seed Priority -Medium
  • 5. Antennaria neglecta (Pussytoes) -flower .seed Priority -Medium
  • 6. Viola pedatifida(Prairie Violet) - flower- seed Priority -High
  • 7. Sisyrinchium campestre (Blue-eyed grass)- flower - seed Priority -Medium
  • 8. Lithospermum incisum (Fringed Puccoon)- flower - seed Priority -High
  • 9. Lithospermum canescens (Hoary Puccoon) - flower - seed Priority -High
  • 10. Camassia scilloides (Wild Hycinth) -flower -seed Priority -High
  • 11. Astragalus distortus (Bent Milk vetch)- flower - seed Priority -High-
  • 12. Aquilegia canadensis (Columbine) -flower -seed Priority -Medium+
  • 13. Anemone virginiana (Thimble weed) -flower -seed Priority -Low
  • 14. Psoralea teniuflora (Scurfy Pea) - flower -seed Priority -High
  • 15. Rosa carolina (Pasture Rose)- flower - seed Priority -Medium+
  • 16. Callirhoe alcaeoides (Pale Poppy Mallow)-flower -seeds Priority -Medium-
  • 17. Polytaenia nuttallii (Prairie Parsley)-flower -seed Priority -High
  • 18. Zizia aurea (Golden Alexanders) - -flowers -seed Priority -High
  • 19. Penstemon pallidus (Pale Beardtongue)- flower - seed Priority -Medium
  • 20. Penstemon digitalis (Foxglove Beardtongue)- flower - seed Priority -Medium
  • 21. Penstemon cobaea (Showy Beardtongue) -flowers -seed Priority -High
  • 22. Tradescantia ohiensis (Common Spiderwort)-flower -seed Priority -Medium
  • 23. Asclepias tuberosa (Butterfly weed)-flower -plant with seed -seed Priority -High
  • 24. Asclepias purpurascens (Purple Milkweed)-flower - seed Priority -High
  • 25. Asclepias amplexicaulis (Sand Milkweed)- flower -seed Priority -High
  • 26. Asclepias viridiflora (Green Comet Milkweed)- flower - seed Priority -High
  • 27, Asclepias viridis (Spider Milkweed)- flower - seed Priority -Medium
  • 28. Asclepias verticillata (Whorled Milkweed)-flower & seed Priority -Low
  • 29. Asclepias meadii (Mead's Milkweed)- flowers- seed Priority -High
  • 30. Asclepias stenophylla (Slender Milkweed)- flowers Priority -High
  • 31. Baptisia bracteata (Bracted False Indigo)-flowers -seed Priority -Medium
  • 32. Delphinium carolinianum (Prairie Larkspur)- flower - seed Priority -High
  • 33. Echinacea pallida-(Pale Purple Coneflower) flower - seed Priority -High+
  • 34. Cacalia tuberosa (Prairie Indian Plantain)- flower - seed Priority -High
  • 35. Dalea purpurea-(Purple Prairie Clover) flower -seed Priority -High+
  • 36. Dalea candida(White Prairie Clover) - flower Priority -High+
  • 37. Amorpha canescens (Lead plant)-flower - seed Priority -High+
  • 38. Asclepias hirtella (Tall Green Milkweed)-flower - seed Priority -Medium
  • 39. Oenothera macrocarpa (Missouri Evening Primrose)-flower -seed Priority -High
  • 40. Baptisia alba (White Wild Indigo)-flower - seed Priority -Medium+
  • 41. Ratibida pinnata (Greyheaded Coneflower) -flower -seed Priority -Medium-
  • 42. Lobelia spicata (Spiked Lobelia) -flower -seed Priority -Medium-
  • 43. Monarda fistulosa (Wild Bergamot)-flower-seed Priority -Medium
  • 44. Heliopsis helianthoides (False or Ox-eye Sunflower)-flower -seed Priority -Medium-
  • 45. Silphium integrifolium (Rosin Weed)-flower and seed Priority -Medium-
  • 46. Silphium laciniatum (Compass Plant) -flower -seed Priority -Medium-
  • 47. Cacalia atriplicifolia (Pale Indian Plantain) -flower -seed Priority -Medium-
  • 48. Kuhnia eupatorioides (False Boneset) -flower and plant Priority -Low
  • 49. Silene stellata (Starry Campion) -flower Priority -High
  • 50. Pycnanthemum tenuifolium (Slender Mountain Mint) -flowers Priority -Low
  • 51. Verbena stricta (Hoary Vervain) -Flower & Seed Priority -Low
  • 52. Liatris squarrosa (Scaley Blazing Star)- flower -seed Priority -High+
  • 53. Eryngium yuccifolium(Rattlesnake Master) -flower -seed Priority -Medium
  • 54. Liatris pycnostachya(Prairie Blazing Star) -flower -seed Priority -Medium+
  • 55. Desmodium sessilifolium (Sessle Tick Trefoil) -flower -seed Priority -Medium
  • 56. Salvia azurea-(Pitcher Sage) flower -seed Priority -Medium
  • 57. Solidago missouriensis (Missouri Goldenrod) -flower & seed Priority -Medium
  • 58. Euphorbia corollata (Flowering Spurge)- flower -seed Priority -Low
  • 59. Lespedeza capitata (Roundheaded Bush Clover)-flower -seed Priority -Medium
  • 60. Helianthus pauciflorus (Prairie Sunflower) -flower -seed Priority -High+
  • 61. Agalinis tenuifolia (Slender False Foxglove) -flower -seed Priority -Medium
  • 62. Agalinis auriculata (Eared False Foxglove) -flower -seed Priority -Medium+
  • 63. Liatris aspera (Rough Blazing Star) - flower- seed Priority -High+
  • 64. Liatris punctata (Dotted Blazing Star) -flower and seed Priority -High
  • 65. Helianthus salicifolius (Willow leaf Sunflower) -flower -seed Priority -Medium
  • 66. Aster praealtus (Willow Aster) -flower -seed Priority -Medium
  • 67. Aster ericoides(Heath Aster) - flower - seed Priority -Medium-
  • 68. Aster oblongifolius (Aromatic Aster) -flower -seed Priority -High
  • 69. Aster laevis (Smooth Aster) - flower - seed  Priority -High
  • 70. Gentiana puberulenta (Downey Gentian)- flower- seed Priority -High
  • 71. Prenanthes aspera (Rough White Lettuce)- flower - seed Priority -High
  • 72. Lespedeza virginica(Slender Bush Clover) -flower -seed Priority -High-
  • 73. Solidago rigida (Stiff Goldenrod)-flower -seed Priority -Medium-
  • 74. Spiranthes (Ladies Tresses)-flowers Priority -Low
  • Grasses

  • 1. Tripsacum dactyloides(Eastern Gamma grass) -flowers and plant Priority -Medium
  • 2. Andropogon gerardii (Big Blue Stem grass) -flowers and plant Priority -Medium
  • 3. Bouteloua curtipendula (Side Oats Gramma grass) -flowers and plant Priority -Medium +
  • 4. Elymus canadensis (Canadian Wild Rye)-seedheads Priority -Medium
  • 5. Elymus virginicus (Common Wild Rye)-seedheads Priority -Low
  • 6. Elymus villosus (Silky Wild Rye)-seedheads Priority -Medium
  • 7. Elymus hystrix (Bottlebrush Grass)-flowers & seeds Priority -Medium+
  • 8.. Schizachyrium scoparium (Little Blue Stem) -Plant in seed Priority -Medium +
  • 9. Sorghastrum nutans (Indian Grass) -Plants in bloom Priority -Low
  • 10. Chasmanthium latifolium (River Oats) -Plants in seed Priority -Medium
  • Introductions to Jerry Smith Park:

  • 1. Baptisia australis (Blue Indigo) -flower Priority -High First seen blooming at JS in May 2011
  • 2. Castilleja coccinea (Indian Paintbrush) -flower Priority -High First seen blooming at JS in April 2010
  • 3. Dodecatheon meadia (Shooting Star) -flower Priority -High
  • 4. Parthenium integrifolium (Wild Quinine)-flower Priority -High
  • 5. Pedicularis canadensis (Wood Betony) -flower Priority -High
  • 6. Tephrosia virginiana (Goat's Rue) -flower Priority -High
  • 7. Schrankia nuttallii (Sensitive Briar)-flower -seed pods -seeds Priority -High
  • 8. Phlox pilosa (Prairie Phlox)-flower -seed Priority -High First seen blooming at JS in April 2011
  • 9. Penstemon tubaeflorus (Prairie Beardtongue)- flower and seed Priority -High fist seen in bloom in 2012
  • 10. Solidago speciosa(Showey Goldenrod) -flower -seed Priority -High
  • 11. Melanthium virginicum(Bunchflower) -flower -seed Priority -High
  • 12. Pediomelum (Psoralea) esculentum (Prairie Turnip) -flower & seed Priority -High
  • 13. Koeleria macrantha (June Grass) -Plant in seed -Priority -Medium
  • If you see any of these introductions in bloom at Jerry Smith park that have not been noted above, please report them to Larry Rizzo [Larry.Rizzo@mdc.mo.gov].